Thursday, March 7, 2019

Doctor Byward - A/MAZE - Ottawa

The doctor is IN (-terdimensional)

If you're not familiar with my reviews, click here for some notes and definitions...
Room name:
Dr. Byward
A/MAZE, Ottawa (
# of Players:
2-6 (Played with 5)
45 min
Bilingual (played in English)
3 (Delivered in person, when called via a button in the room)
6 Locks, 12 Deductions, 6 Tasks
Official Description:
Dr. Byward a PhD in Quantum Mechanics, brought forth the idea of Quantum Realms. He proclaimed that the space-time continuum can be bent to men's will and used to create worlds beyond our imagination. After one of his experiments ended in a catastrophe he was banished from the scientific community, his research was deemed too dangerous. He moved to the Capital of Canada and has spent the rest of his days researching ancient religions in a holy building he calls the Sanctum.
We received word of space-time irregularities originating in Ottawa. Our intelligence security have located Dr. Byward's whereabouts and we have reasons to believe that he never quit his research. Our team of scientists state that if the anomalies arising from his sanctum aren't stopped the whole universe might be in danger.
You are given a warrant to infiltrate Dr. Byward's Sanctum, your goal is to investigate and end his research once and for all.
Played in:
Winter 2019
Made it?
YES - With a little under 15 minutes left - 2 hints received
Last year, "Save the Parliament" left a good impression on us, and so we were looking forward A/MAZE's new offering. This new room opened a while ago, although the attendant mentioned that parts of it were still built worked on.
Indeed, parts of the game had a slightly rough, unpolished feel to it. The parts that were all done, though, looked quite good, and I was pleasantly surprised more than once. Even after the game ended, our host had a little "epilogue" of sorts for us - nothing big, but an entertaining exercise nonetheless.
We had been warned that this room wasn't as hard as its big sister, and indeed, while we had truly feared for the Parliament last year, this time around the space-time continuum always felt safe in our hands. 😎
Lessons Learned (or re-learned):

Image de la salle réelle, tirée du site web
Actual room picture from their website

Si vous n'êtes pas un habitué de ce blog, cliquez ici pour quelques explications et définitions...
Nom de la salle:
Dr. Byward
A/MAZE, Ottawa (
# de joueurs:
2-6 (jouée avec 5)
45 min
Salles Multiples:
Bilingue (jouée en anglais)
3 (Donnés en personne, lorsque appelé avec un bouton situé dans la pièce)
6 verrous, 12 déductions, 6 tâches
Description officielle:
(Voir version anglaise)
Jouée durant:
Hiver 2019
OUI - Un peu moins de 15 minutes restantes - 2 indices reçus
L'an dernier, "Save the Parliament" nous a fait bonne impression, et nous avions donc hâte d'essayer cette nouvelle salle de chez A/MAZE. La salle en question a ouvert il y a quelque temps, quoique la préposée nous a dit que certains éléments devraient encore s'y ajouter à l'avenir.
Comme de fait, certaines parties du jeu nous ont semblé mal équarries, et pas tout à fait au point. Toutes les parties vraiment complètes, par contre, étaient fort impressionantes, et j'ai été agréablement surpris plus d'une fois. Même après avoir complété le jeu, notre hôtesse avait encore une sorte "d'épilogue" en réserve - rien de bien compliqué, mais un petit exercice agréable.
On nous avait prévenu que cette salle n'était pas aussi ardue que sa grande soeur, et en effet, alors que nous avions craint pour le Parlement l'an dernier, cette fois-ci le continuum espace-temps a toujours semblé être entre bonnes mains. 😎
Leçons à retenir (ou à réviser):

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